Monday, 7 May 2012

Sola Wood Work

 Beautiful flowers made with sola wood :) . The base of the basket is made of thermocol upon which I just weaved the wood available in the form of straps.Initially its very dry but then once dipped into water it becomes flexible and comfortable to work with. The flowers really took a long time to make.For additional decorations you need some pebs for buds then green tape for branches and some beads to stick on the basket.

For making the flowers nylon thread is spun around taking each and every petal at a time. It needs to be done patiently tightening it every time so that it stays intact for a very long time !

Finally with your own ideas yo can decorate by even painting the flowers and sticking some ready made leaves to make it look natural. After so much of work and time it would be really cool to frame it and find a perfect location in your place to hang it :) thats wat I do everytime !

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